

上次曾提到,我想方设法在amazon.cn上买了一本Kindle中文书,美国汉学家 Porter Bill 的英译汉作品:《禅的行囊》。读完后,我发现amazon.com有英文Kindle原版: Zen Baggage: A Pilgrimage to China, 买下来。

当我读到下面这一段时,发现原来我早先读过的《空谷幽兰》(也是 Porter Bill 的作品)里有些内容没有出现在中文版:

Ming-chieh translated my book on Chinese hermits, Road to Heaven—except, of course, for the parts about politics, the military, and the police, which never made the Chinese edition.



So I called up Ming-yao, and he asked me to meet him for lunch. He said his wife Ming-chieh would be there too. Ming-chieh translated my book on Chinese hermits, Road to Heaven—except, of course, for the parts about politics, the military, and the police, which never made the Chinese edition. Everyone liked her title: K’ungku-yu-lan: “Hidden Orchids of Deserted Valleys.” Strange as it sounds, no one had ever written a book about hermits in China, and the publication of Kungkuyulan had a noticeable impact. In the Sian area, it even resulted in the formation of a hermit association, which sounds ludicrous. But the association has since compiled a record of hut and cave locations in the Chungnan Mountains south of Sian where I conducted my interviews. And it now sends someone around periodically with medicine and food—and even mail.

Of course, that is not necessarily a good thing. The Cultural Revolution was nothing new. Times are good for monks and nuns right now in China, but everything changes. And when bad times come, someone will have to take the blame. Throughout Chinese history, that someone has often included its Buddhist and Taoist clerics: those unproductive slackers living off the sweat of others. Still, most of the hermits I talked to were not greatly affected even during the worst years of those decades everyone in China still wants to forget. The Buddhists and Taoists who felt the heat were the ones living in monasteries and nunneries, not the ones in huts—yet another advantage of seclusion and a low profile.












Of course, I removed my IME not just because of this case. It is theoretically unnecessary to have Chinese IME on my office computer. I have it on one of my home computer.


This has nothing to do with the translation quality. The Chinese version in this case has too much shrinkage, this is not the reality but wrong.


My work does not necessarily need Chinese. I removed it not only because of this case. For example, now when I type everything on this computer, I never be disturbed by Ctrl+Space bar anymore. Of course, my home Linux PC still has Chinese IME.



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